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© Bart Grietens

An army of self-made puppets and drawings are used by Stefanie Claes to tell the visual, non-verbal story of Mia Fair. The protagonist is a child who has to explore her own beginning in order to grow up. The origin of her story is deeply connected with a baby hatch; a closed room here mothers can leave their newborns. A fascinating place as well as the beginning of an important story which are invited to try to understand in this miniature theatre.

Age 10

Lucinda Ra, Stefanie Claes (Belgium)

Austrian premiere
70 min

Concept/Design/Performance: Stefanie Claes
Feedback and dramaturgy: Simon Allemeersch, Barbara Claes and Sofie Van der Linden
Co-produced: Lucinda Ra & Vooruit in collaboration with De Studio.

Theater des Kindes im Kinderkulturzentrum Kuddelmuddel:
25.06 15:00
25.06 18:00
26.06 11:00
26.06 18:00
