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GUTE ZEITEN, GUTE ZEITEN oder Der Pickel als Trampolin

© Apollonia T. Bitzan

In “GUTE ZEITEN, GUTE ZEITEN oder Der Pickel als Trampolin” we enter that liminal space between profane reality and fantasy, and ask questions about a norm that might not even exist. In this collectively developed piece the ensemble explores various terms of what is strange. The result is a kaleidoscope of the bizarre, a theatre evening filled with multiple perspectives, a discourse about normativity, physicality, gender, and a critical investigation of personal privilege. “GUTE ZEITEN, GUTE ZEITEN oder Der Pickel als Trampolin” invites audiences to take part in a discussion about the grotesque, because: how else could this all end?

Age 16

Students from the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversity Linz (Austria)

World Premiere
SCHÄXPIR Co-production
50 min

Regie: Martin Hemmer, Simon Dietersdorfer
With: Kevin Bianco, Hubert Chojniak, Jonas Hämmerle, Lena Sophie Knapp, Dana Koganova, Vivian Micksch

22.06 20:00
23.06 10:00
23.06 20:00
24.06 15:00
24.06 20:00
