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Even within a simulation, events and decisions are real. What stays the same is that they create new realities. And so we both surrender and hand over ourselves. In every pixel of every event there is the potential for an emotional roller coaster. Every day we surrender (ourselves). And then we are at our own mercy! Where is the control? Packaged up in neat boxes, we deliver our own little dramas of a universal feeling. Packaged in movement, sounds, and words we set out on an exploration together.

The Spätschicht puts on four shows in the evening at Salonschiff Fräulein Florentine that lies anchored on the Urfahr banks of the Danube. The well-known and popular collective Spätschicht consists of various artists and experiments on the interface of theatre, film, and music. For SCHÄXPIR they invited special artists from the areas of music and performance on two evenings to create ecstatic and unique events. On the other two evening the collectives dares to go into the deeper waters with a piece developed specifically for the festival.

For all ages

Spätschicht, Theaterkompanie BIISH (Austria)

75 min

Free entry

Theaterkompanie BIISH: Sandra Schildhauer, Johannes Steger, Lena Steinhuber, Julia Stiegler, Juliana Raich, Anna Seidl

Salonschiff Fräulein Florentine:
20.06 21:00