+ SCHÄXPIR x communale Peuerbach
When worlds meet
Magical cosmos x cosmic magic!
The communale invites the SCHÄXPIR Festival to Peuerbach! This year SCHÄXPIR's motto is "magic - the story of stories" and at the communale it meets "cosmos - new worlds" - an ideal combination, in our opinion!
At a first viewing appointment, the teams from communale and SCHÄXPIR were out and about in the Schmidauer vacancy, which will become the SCHÄXPIR venue from 15 to 18 June.
From 14 to 19 March 2023, women of all generations from Peuerbach are welcome to participate! For the project "Anna" they are to tell director Henri Hüster about their lives in Peuerbach. The interviews take up the themes of "Anna" and revolve around growing up, growing out, growing beyond oneself and becoming an adult in rural regions. In consultation with the interview partners, excerpts from the interviews will be used for an audio installation.
+ SCHÄXPIR x Festival of the Regions
Highest Time for Magic
Co-operations make you strong! In this sense, it is only logical that the theatre festival SCHÄXPIR and the Festival of Regions join forces. The common denominators are many: both stand for sustainability, go out to the people with their projects, play in public spaces and deal with important social issues - to name just a few. This year the festivals also meet in terms of time and can cooperate!
This year's Festival of Regions will take place from 23 June to 2 July 2023 in the region along the Summerauerbahn. Under the motto "Highest Time", current issues of the future will be the focus of artistic debate. From climate catastrophe to social coexistence. The Summerauerbahn railway line serves as the geographical and thematic starting point for the upcoming festival. In the 2023 festival edition, the railway line stands metaphorically for a series of challenges.
The junction with the SCHÄXPIR Festival is the square in front of Linz Central Station. The production "Time Play" will be shown here.