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© Igor Petkovic

In this play - in the form of three striking and highly-motivated figures - collide grand emotions with each other. This much is certain; these three intend to do a lot, are sure of themselves, and have suspiciously clean slates. Therefore, as life sometimes works in mysterious ways, we are often caught up by our own desires and obsessions. With touching comedy and a lot of love for music Kompanie Freispiel grants us room to reconcile with ourselves.

Age 7

Kompanie Freispiel (Austria)

Shown in the context of SUPERSTELLA*21
(Nominated in the categories "Herausragende Produktion für Kinder" and "Herausragende darstellerische Leistung" at STELLA*21)
65 min

Concept, Performance: Kajetan Uranitsch, Simon Schober, Siruan Darbandi
Set design: Keno Meiners
Coaching: Stephan Kreiss
Final direction: Alina Ilonka Hagenschulte

--->>>Click here for the trailer

JKU, Zirkus des Wissens:
20.06 16:30 (fully booked)
21.06 11:00 (fully booked)
21.06 18:00 (fully booked)